Splitz KinderGym
KinderGym is the nursery of all sports and a brilliant start for life! Your young children need as many opportunities as possible to optimise brain development and increase physical potential before they go to school. Splitz KinderGym provides a rich and safe environment for children to develop physical skills in a fun and playful way.
KinderGym Class Progression
The progression into the next class is driven by age and a child’s individual readiness to progress which may include:
- following instructions
- working independently, within a group, and with their coach.
A brilliant start for life!
If your child loves to explore, jump, climb, and slide then KinderGym is for them! They will experience group time and fun circuits in lots of different themes designed with “neuro-nastics” in mind. Children need as many opportunities as possible to optimise brain development and increase physical potential before they go to school. Splitz Gym Kindergym provides a rich and safe environment for children to develop physical skills in a fun and playful way. They will learn in a safe way to swing and balance their way to better strength, flexibility, and coordination.
Parental Involvement
Splitz KinderGym is a parent-and-child program heading towards independence as the children grow in age and confidence. Adult participation in classes is very important. The gym environment is filled with equipment, heights, and challenges, that young children do not yet have the maturity to manage safely. But most importantly it is your attitude and involvement in your role as an encourager, motivator, and role model that most influence their attitude positively towards activity for life. Take the leap and have fun with your child!